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Papers and Articles


Research Studies are a regular and integral part of the programmes at Udayan Care, ensuring the evolution of programmes through constant monitoring and evaluation. We regularly commission independent research studies aimed at improving the various components that constitute our projects.

Paper Presentation-3 2017-18
Paper Presentation 3
Dr. Kiran Modi15, January 2018

Udayan Care’s Managing Trustee, Dr. Kiran Modi conducted a 2-hour workshop on ‘ Nurturing at-risk children requiring out-of-home care in India’ at the 3rd Child and Youth Care World Conference held in Venture, California from 15th to 18th January, 2018

Paper Presentation-2 2017-18
Paper Presentation 2
Dr. Kiran Modi01, November 2017

‘Successful transitions in Aftercare through care-leavers attainments’ in November 2017: Dr. Modi conducted a 45 minutes workshop with delegates at the “Setting Sail from a Safe Port: Giving our children confidence to move forward with safe and permanent relationships”, that was held under the banner of International Foster Care World Conference (IFCO) from 1-4 November, 2017 in Valletta, Malta.

Research 2017-18
Dr. Kiran Modi01, October 2017

Research on ‘Challenges and opportunities faced by young adults transitioning out of alternative care’ spanning multiple Indian cities is in progress since October, 2017

Paper Presentation-1 2017-18
Paper Presentation 1
Dr. Kiran Modi28, June 2017

'Developing Child Rights Indicators through a longitudinal study to improve child care in India - Questionnaire to Assess Needs of Children in Care (QANCC)', in June 2017: Dr. Modi, presented a oral paper presentation on at the 6th Conference of the International Society for Childhood Indicators which took place in Montreal.