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Udayan Care Australia was set up in the year 2008 by our volunteer Julie Lantry, with the aim of raising funds for the disadvantaged children in India. The current committee members are Isabel Sahni, Julie Lantry, Saman Kazmi, Surabhi Chaturvedi and Dr. Kiran Modi.

A 'Robyn Beeche Award' was instituted with the funds generated from Robyn's funeral donations. Robyn Beeche's immense creative energy and generosity lives on as her legacy to reward creativity among children of Udayan Care. Every year, some competitions are organized and awards are distributed to Udayan Care children.

Board Member Saman Kazmi hosted an Eid fundraiser at her house in Sydney, NSW. Guests were asked to buy products made by Skill development centre instead of getting presents for the hosts. With more than 60 people in attendance, the event was a success and even though the amount raised was not significant, however, a lot of people have shown interest in buying Christmas presents from us this year and UCA is gaining more visibility in the Sydney community. Grateful to consistent funders like S &J Carter